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Friday, November 25, 2005

Pottery Corner 8

Tribute to Nick Cave

She'd knocked them back and staggered home
But soon began to flounder
And as the sidewalk slipped away
That's when yours truly found her

I took her in with my concerns
She wailed about her creditors
I helped her up to my place warning
Her of sexual predators

I held her hand and sympathised
In tones so reverential
But all the while my body's craving
Something far more sensual

I palmed the dropper like an ace
The charlatan was keeping
And twenty minutes later Anne Marie
Was soundly sleeping

My kiss was firm the fire it burned
Caresses long and sensual
By the way that whore was moving
Youd've sworn it was consensual

Now some of you will shake your heads
But I would contradict
Cos Brother stand where I'd been stood
No jury would convict

Oh rohypnol my special friend
Prelude to copulation
My silent partner ever near
Deliver my temptation

(End of poem. The next bit doesn't rhyme)

If this story is to be believed, then a third of us think that a woman is at least partly to blame if she is raped after acting flirtatiously, getting drunk or dressing provocatively. I had no idea that the Daily Mail was circulating so widely these days.

Just think about it. On any given jury there are four members who automatically think that she was asking for it.

If you're sat with two other people right now, statistically, you're sharing a space with someone who thinks rape's okay in certain circumstances.

Take a good look, and ask yourself: Which one of them is it?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think there is some confusion between the concepts of "blame" and "responsibility" happening here. The article uses both terms interchangeably, and it shouldn't. It would be nice to see how the actual survey questions were worded, and what language was used - that might shed some light on why such a Daily-Mail-like result occurred.

Anyways. The rapist is always to blame. Rape is a crime, and the perpetrator is the one to blame. I suspect (hope?) that what the 1-in-3-people were really trying to express is that they believe a woman is to some degree, responsible for reducing her risk of being a victim. By analogy, if I get mugged for my Nike trainers, it's the mugger who is to blame, but I bear the responsibility for having increased my personal risk by wandering into (say) late-night Moss-side flaunting aforementioned Nikes.

That said, the 1-in-3-people are pretty much barking up the wrong tree. I must apologise because I don't have the accurate statistics to hand to cite, but IIRC the vast majority of rapes are committed by someone known to the victim (and, again IIRC, nearly half are committed by the victims partner). This indicates that in the majority of rape cases, appearance and behaviour are not the most important risk factors, and responsible for managing them or not, they are not the ones a woman should prioritise for modification.

8:23 pm

Blogger Pepps said...

Yeah whateva...dude why the 'new' look blog?

12:56 pm

Blogger David said...

I'm still trying to find a blog that will actually work with INternet Explorer. So far I've found one that won't scroll past the menu bar, and oe that won't show the menu bar. I've got one word for you: Mozilla Firefox.

8:12 pm

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Crap Poem, though.

11:03 am

Blogger David said...

None taken.

2:18 am


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