This is my Online Scrap Pad. Finished work appears here, and at

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Pottery Corner 4

Red Kite

I saw you,
Angel of the North.
Steel straight span
Slicing the sky.
I saw the tattered crow,
Foul call and filthy coat,
Saw him flurry and slash.
Watched him rip.
As you tipped, barely.
Moving on,
Grace maintained.
In clear air again.
And I wanted to Apologise.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You seem to pare the experience down to the essential, no flowery excesses. Excellent, I can see and feel it. The images stay with me. A privilege for writer, and for the readers.

9:22 pm

Blogger David said...

I don't get it.

3:56 pm


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