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Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Say Cheese

I kept my mouth shut when the story broke about Dubya claiming that God had told him to invade Iraq. It was too obvious a target. Like kicking a puppy. I kept my mouth shut when the Whitehouse refused to allow a radio station to be set up at a Texas refugee centre after Katrina in case the blacks seeking shelter there listened to rap music.

But today something happened that made me swear out loud. It was when I heard about this photo that George had issued to the world.

Come one and all, and see POTUS with his sleeves rolled up. See how he's leading the rebuilding effort! Look at that hard graft! Here's a man who cares about his people so much that he's prepared to roll up his sleeves and get stuck in to help those poor black folk.

Does anyone buy this shit? Okay. just in case this didn't make you turn the air blue, let's just ask ourselves a question: Has the relief effort in Louisiana got so short handed that even the President has to be drafted in for manual labour?

Surely not. And if it has got that bad, then whose fault is it? Have you ever seen Tom and Jerry, where the cat has just smacked the big dog on the head with a baseball bat? Have you seen Tom very sheepishly trying to push the lump back down?

This is the political equivilent of that. Just how cynical is it to pretend to be doing everything you can to make everything better, even up to the point when you degrade your role in office down to a fancy dress party?

Just so that you know - it's not the President's job to hammer in nails. He has more important things to do. Like running a country.

It's his job to make sure the nails and tools arrive on time. And he's already failed at that.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Georgie, did you honestly expect us not to notice that "this is the first time I've used a hammer and nail" expression on your face?

Like, where's the motion blur on the hammer? And don't give me the "it's a flash photo" excuse. Only a prat would hammer nails in poor lighting.

George, try doing a few weeks in the construction industry before having your photo shoot, you might actually get some credibility that way.

10:59 pm

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah, notice how clean his helmet and gloves are and that hammer head hasn't got the slightest bit of wear on it.

What a psued!

11:09 pm


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