This is my Online Scrap Pad. Finished work appears here, and at

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

We're going on a Dolphin Hunt...

... I'm not scared.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did you catch any dolphin?

4:25 pm

Blogger David said...

We didn't see any on the trip. But then the sun came out so we headed for the beach... And guess what we saw there?

Go on, Guess. Starts with a "Dol", and it isn't "Dolomite"

5:07 pm

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not a dolphin by any chance? I like the picture.

6:08 pm

Blogger David said...

Bingo. Glad you like the picture. You must be my mother.

7:57 pm

Anonymous Anonymous said...

No I'm a little younger than you. Cheeky!!

12:42 pm

Blogger David said...

Then you must be my daughter. Are you any good at laying floor tiles?

7:46 pm

Anonymous Anonymous said...

No, I'm only a little younger than you! I can't lay floor tiles but I can strip wall paper!!

7:52 pm

Blogger David said...

No. That's no use. Can you repair broken shower heads and replace rotten floorboards?

9:51 am

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Perhaps Sweet Taboo is a guy? And maybe even one of your recently employed cowboys or indians the lack of skills displayed? I would ask for a proper CV David.

10:43 am

Blogger David said...

Actually, I thought he was a guy... You're suggesting maybe she's a woman? Devious...

2:52 pm

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds like you need a house building from scratch!!! I could suggest some people I know. I can paint!!

12:17 am


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