This is my Online Scrap Pad. Finished work appears here, and at

Monday, November 01, 2004

Four Chords

Today I decided to become a rock legend. I've borrowed a guitar and learned four chords already. (At least, I can do them all very slowly, given time.) For the record I've tried E, Em, A and Am. I like Am best, but I don't know why.

Somebody should do an in-depth psychological study to find out what sort of person likes what sort of chord. To be honest, I can quite happily sit and listen to the sound of any of the four I've tried today, just playing the same chord over and over, or listening to the subtle alternation from E to Em and back again. Even the sound of the wood is lovely. I can't think why I waited this long.

I tried some single note work as well. Now that's plenty harder. Just repeating this simple sequence on the first string (thin E) had me tied up for what seemed like ages.


By the time I'd got the hang of those four simple bars I noticed that the ends of my fingers were an odd shade of purple. I'm sure they didn't look like that when I started...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ha! No mention here of being a copy cat. Hahahahah :)

11:07 pm

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Seriously though, enjoy the new journey you are undertaking :)

11:09 pm

Anonymous Anonymous said...

'Tis said that its the greatest form of flattery, Anonymous. Be flattered! And your fingers will have a head start (is that a mixed metaphor?)

10:49 pm


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