This is my Online Scrap Pad. Finished work appears here, and at

Saturday, March 11, 2006

Work in Progress - "Tidy Your Room"

I was really enjoying this, until my Wacom Pen started doing very strange things. It feels like there are blind spots that are not working properly, and the cursor point is dancing all over the screen when I try and draw.

I re-installed the driver, and oddly enough it worked for another ten minutes before doing the same thing again. (sigh) Maybe it's nature's way of telling me to concentrate on writing.


Blogger Kelvin said...

Kia ORa (hello) from a krzy blogger down under in New Zealand. Come on - don't blame the pen !!! It is more than likely the person "holding" the pen. You may have to give up those midnight snacks and cut down on the beer, when you are blogging !!! (hehe)
Great bog - sorry - burb - blog !!!

10:02 pm

Blogger Viper aka DevilWeilder said...

hey saw a comment of yours that was funney on another blog so i thought to come take a look at your blog.
You can visit mine at
or im me at ViperAt666

12:02 am

Blogger David said...

Kelvin - Just so that you know: we're too orangey for crows. It was the pictures of sheep that brought you here, wasn't it? Go on; admit it. you just couldn't resist...

And thanks, Viper. I do try to be funney sometimes.

10:28 am


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