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Monday, May 10, 2004

Conversations with the BBC

MY NAME IS Sarah Brown and I work for BBC News Online. I read the extract from your essay on Iraq with interest and was wondering if you could send me some more material.
Could you also provide me with more detail about your time in Iraq - for example, were you there in a military or civilian capacity? Do you have any actual letters or emails you could send me?
If you could let me know as soon as possible that would be great.
Many thanks

I was in Iraq for the duration of the 19 Mech Brigade deployment, which ran roughly from May to November last year.
My role was as the Brigade Geographic Sergeant, and I worked in the Headquarters at Basrah Palace, directly with the Chief of Staff and department heads.
I have two or three essays available, although I would need to be assured that nobody would be embarrassed by anything in these works being quoted out of context. For that end, can I ask that you agree to consult with me before publishing?
Kind regards,

Hi David,
Many thanks for getting back to me so promptly. Of course we would not publish anything you would not be happy with - may I ask if any of the work you have or will send to me has been published before? And did you send these essays to friends and family while you were based in Iraq?

I've been published in a few army journals but I never sent them the Iraq stuff. Essay writing is a hobby that I've not taken seriously enough to get published yet,
The essays in question were sent to my partner and my dad.
I have enclosed the one I have with me as an attachment. I'm afraid you'll have to wait for the others as we only have hard copy.
Have a nice weekend. I can be contacted by phone on xxxxxxx
Kind regards

Great - I'll have a read and get back to you as soon as possible.
Many thanks for emailing!

Certainly. I don't think there's too much in there that will do much damage compared with the current nasty business. All I ask is that content is kept in context, and that I be informed when programme is due to air.
Would you like more?

Great - will let you know when it airs, the programme is tentatively scheduled for the weekend before the handover of power so probably third week of June but will keep you up to date - remind me if I forget!
I think what you have sent me will be sufficient, but if you have anything else - particularly of a specific incident you witnesses which seemed apt that would be good to have.


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